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Effective Teaching With Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success
Effective Teaching With Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success
  • 定價:1680


    博客來-Effective Teaching With Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010208316


    Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education draws on current research and best practice to show how to integrate technology into teaching in higher education. This book provides a comprehensive theoretical and pedagogical foundation for helping instructors make critical decisions about the use of technology within the college curriculum. This practical and much needed resource discusses the relationship between knowledge, learning, teaching, and the nature of media, and shows how this information should inform the use of technology in a teaching environment. The authors introduce a decision model that is based on key criteria for selecting appropriate technologies for teaching in higher education. They also provide guidance for developing and delivering a course using electronic technology and discuss the organizational and technical support structures that are needed to back up instructors using technology.






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