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Center Stage (2):Grammar to Communicate
Center Stage (2):Grammar to Communicate
  • 定價:550
  • 優惠價:95523


    博客來-Center Stage (2):Grammar to Communicate博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/0010449072


      Center Stage 2: Grammar to Communicate, by LynnBone steel and Samuela Eckstut-Didier, gives your students the communicative skills to start using English effectively in their daily lives. Center Stage 2 is an integrated course that supports student learning and achievement. Practical language and timely topics motivate high-beginning students to master grammar along with speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

    Student Book Features

      * Grammar to Communicate presents key grammar points with concise charts and abundant practice in real-life situations.

      * Communicative activities, such as Time to Talk, promote opportunities for meaningful expression and active learning.

      * Extensive listening and speaking practice helps students succeed in mastering English.

      * Review and Challenge helps teachers to assess students' progress.

      * Easy-to-follow two-page lessons give students a sense of accomplishment.


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