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Panzer Modelling Masterclass
Panzer Modelling Masterclass
  • 作者:Greenland, Tony
  • 出版社:Osprey Pub Co
  • 出版日期:2001/09/01
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:1398


    博客來-Panzer Modelling Masterclass博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010529943


    In this, the second edition of Panzer Modelling Masterclass, Tony Greenland shares his expertise and experience in a wide range of techniques and materials, covering the tools, reference sources, construction and conversion methods and artistic touches that help create visually stunning and minutely accurate masterpieces. For the second edition, Tony has revised Chapter 9: The Collection: a variety of new models are shown in full colour photos in The Collection along with caption details of their construction and finishing. For this edition Tony has also revised Chapter 3: Models Available, to bring this up to date with the latest developments from all the top manufacturers. This chapter is also supported by new colour photographs and illustrations. This best selling title is packed with great photographs, tips and techniques and useful advice.


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