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Hospitality Financial Accounting
Hospitality Financial Accounting
  • 定價:2120
  • 優惠價:952014


    博客來-Hospitality Financial Accounting博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/0010437909


      In Hospitality Financial Accounting, the authors behind North America's leading accounting textbooks present financial accounting principles to hospitality students with a clear and fascinating introduction to a complex topic that is crucial to the success of any hospitality business. Addressing a wealth of accounting topics specific to the hospitality industry, as well as more general financial issues, this full-color textbook takes a proven pedagogical approach designed to help students learn how to study and manage their tasks. Hospitality Financial Accounting provides all of the support students need to succeed, both in their course of study and in their future hospitality careers.


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