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Dying Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me: Stories of Healing And Wisdom Along Life』s Journey
Dying Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me: Stories of Healing And Wisdom Along Life』s Journey
  • 定價:873


    博客來-Dying Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me: Stories of Healing And Wisdom Along Life』s Journey博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010754656


    Physicians are entrusted within the lives of their patients; lives woven from the threads of spirituality; touched by the mysteries of the universe, and filled with stories to tell. These stories can teach the secrets of a life filled with meaning, of wisdom, and of extraordinary journeys. They are sacred lessons. They are lessons that teach of a miraculous place and shine their light on the path that will take us there.


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